Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Will we even get a vote?

Updated 2/19 with new date and time:
The Law and Finance Committee will present their recommendation on whether or not to move forward with the revised chicken ordinance at the next Town Council meeting Tuesday 2/23 at 6PM. If they move forward, there will be a public comment session scheduled, and then a vote by the town council. If not, this will be considered dead without a final vote.

Although the opposition was allowed to speak at the last meeting, the public will not be allowed to speak at this one. Sorry to all those that have asked me when your chance to speak will be. Hopefully this will move forward and there will be a public comment session.


  1. Forgive my ignorance - I'm only just now looking for information about having hens in Garner ... are we not allowed to have ANY hens at all currently? I've always wanted to have a few - maybe 3 or so, and was just looking for info about the rules here in Garner. What is the current status of the vote? ... dead for now?

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  5. I just posted the wrong number - it is 919-285-1HEN (or 285-1436)

  6. Those without cell phones, still are a challenge, but in fact, those are the very people who'd vote for free-stuff anyway, not that anyone should be excluded, I am still underwhelmed at the thought that someone can be drafted at 18 but cannot vote against a war while 17 and that you cannot drink until 21 but we are to trust those voters to vote for a President?https://victorytips.sitey.me/

  7. Have you seen it before? I would like to read these recommendations now.
